USLUO Annual Meeting 3-5 November at Argonne
Remember to register for the upcoming meeting:
Many interesting tributes to the Tevatron have been published recently.
Review some of them at: http://www.interactions.org/
R&D Magazine Scientist of the Year: Steven Chu
APS Forum on International Physics - September Newsletter
The newsletter covers a wide range of topics of interest to the US LHC community.
DOE Intensity Frontier Workshop Nov 30 - Dec 2
“Fundamental Physics at the Intensity Frontier” – This workshop is an opportunity for the scientific community to identify and expand upon the physics potential of the Intensity Frontier. Starting in September 2011, six working groups are studying and beginning to document the full spectrum of opportunities for fundamental physics at the Intensity Frontier and identify the facilities necessary to execute such a program. This exercise will continue during October and November 2011, with smaller topical meetings organized by the working groups. The workshop is open to the broader particle and nuclear physics community, and the working groups will expect and solicit input from the community. The workshop will be held Nov 30 – Dec 2, 2011 in Rockville, MD. It will conclude with the preliminary findings of the working groups and there will be a final report detailing the workshop results. This workshop is co-sponsored by the Office of High Energy Physics and the Office of Nuclear Physics in the U.S. Department of Energy. For more information please see:
USLUEC Nominations
Nominations for the USLHC Users Organization Executive Committee will be accepted through September 27. Nominations, including self-nominations, should be sent to usluo-elections@usluo.org.
USLUO Annual Meeting 3-5 November at Argonne
Please register for the upcoming annual meeting - https://twindico.hep.anl.gov/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=641
DOE HEP Assoc. Director
The DOE announced the appointment of Professor James Siegrist as the Associate Director of the Office of Science for the Office of High Energy Physics - effective October 1, 2011.
For more information on the program, see the website.
AIP Invites Applications for the 2012-13 State Department science fellowship program.
USLUEC Nominations
Nominations for the USLHC Users Organization Executive Committee will be accepted through September 27. Nominations, including self-nominations, should be sent to usluo-elections@usluo.org.
EDIT 2012
The 2012 Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation Technologies school (EDIT 2012):
When: 13 February - 24 February, 2012
Where: Fermilab
Website: http://detectors.fnal.gov/edit2012
The last ACCU meeting was Sept 7. See Notes; Slides and agenda.