Please consider nominating a graduate student in your program for a 2012 DOE Graduate Fellowship in High Energy Theory. Deadline is 22 December. Details:
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to invite you to nominate a graduate student in your program to compete for a DOE High Energy Physics Graduate Fellowship in Theory. This competitive program for graduate students working in Theoretical High Energy Physics was initiated in 2009. (A list of previous and current Fellows is available at .) This competition is open to students of current grantees with a High Energy Theory research grant (excluding Outstanding Junior Investigator and Early Career awards) from the DOE Office of High Energy Physics. Please share this invitation with all members of your theory group.
Regardless of the number of existing DOE High Energy Theory grants/tasks in an institution, each institution is invited to nominate one student to compete for these fellowships. An institution nominating more than one student will be disqualified from the competition; please confer with your fellow PIs to insure that at most one individual is nominated by your school. The student to be nominated must have passed all Ph.D. candidacy requirements and be conducting research toward a Ph.D. thesis. A student who is, or will be, supported by other fellowship(s) through all or part of the fellowship period (see below) is not eligible. Each fellowship will be awarded for up to two years, or when the Fellow obtains her/his Ph.D. degree, whichever comes first. The anticipated start date is September 1, 2012. Awards will generally be handled as a supplement to the existing grant. Should OHEP research support for the student’s thesis advisor be discontinued, an associated fellowship award would also terminate.
To be considered for these fellowships, please have the following pre-proposal materials emailed to me and copied to Ms. Christie Ashton ( by midnight EST, December 22, 2011. Late submissions will not be considered. The documents should be combined in a single pdf file in precisely this order:
A brief CV of the nominee including, if applicable, a publication list.
A statement of up to two pages from the nominee describing her/his proposed research plan.
Nomination letter from the nominee’s thesis advisor.
Two additional letters of support.
A (scanned) copy of the nominee’s graduate school transcript(s).
A budget, with explanation, for the standard 12-month RA support at the nominee’s institution plus $2,500.00 (before overhead) annual travel support for attending summer schools and/or conferences. Please put the budget on the DOE Budget Form (DOE F 4620.1) which may be found under “Guides and Forms” at .
A panel will be convened to examine all applications and make selection recommendations. Grant PIs for the selected applications will be asked to submit a supplemental proposal, through, containing the same application material. The number of fellowships to be awarded will depend on the applicant pool and available funds; 4-6 fellowship awards are anticipated.
Laurence Yaffe
DOE Office of High Energy Physics