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In Support of Ukraine

Dear Colleagues,

As the unprovoked Russian war and the resulting human catastrophe continues to escalate, the US LHC Users Association is asking you to donate generously to support the people of Ukraine. All donations to US LUA from now until further notice will be forwarded to the CERN Staff Association’s account  by international wire transfer, as CERN management has agreed to match the funds donated to that account, from the CERN budget.

We will forward your donations to the UBS account which CERN management, as indicated below, will match.

We as a community can make a difference and help alleviate the suffering. The war in Ukraine is both an historic violation of human rights and an attempt to upset the world order and moral principles established 77 years ago, that have allowed peoples throughout the world to live in peace and aspire for a brighter future for their children. The scientific community, and ours in particular that bridges across national and political boundaries, is a bastion of global cooperation, unity and peace. We have been privileged to be able to long pursue our lofty goals, and in return we have a special responsibility to act on behalf of humanity, through our support for Ukraine.

Now is the time to act.

Best regards
Harvey Newman
on behalf of US LUA

3 March 2022 Statement from CERN Director-General

Dear Colleagues,

 Since 24 February, following the invasion and subsequent escalation of aggression by Russian armed forces, a humanitarian crisis has been unfolding in Ukraine, an Associate Member State of CERN. The CERN Directorate and the CERN Staff Association wish to express solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues, their families and the entire Ukrainian people. Our thoughts are with everyone whose life has been disrupted by the war.

Several actions have already been initiated by the Organization to support employed and associated members of personnel of Ukrainian nationality and their families, providing them with material assistance and psychological support. We are also aware of the various initiatives of many members of the personnel, and we wish to express our deep appreciation for their engagement. This is an important demonstration of CERN solidarity and community spirit.

In addition, the Staff Association and the Directorate are launching an urgent appeal to your generosity to donate funds that will be sent directly to the Office of the International Red Cross in Ukraine. The funds you donate will help meet the immediate needs of the population, including emergency medical care, psychological support, blood donation, and the distribution of food, drink, and other essential items.

Donations can be made to the Staff Association’s account at UBS:

IBAN: CH85 0027 9279 HU10 6832 1


Account holder: Association Personnel C.E.R.N. c/o CERN J01300 1211 Genève 23

The CERN Directorate has decided to match, from the CERN budget, donations made by the personnel.

The Staff Association will also contribute financially to the collection.

CERN will continue to uphold its core value of scientific collaboration across borders as a driver for peace.

Yours sincerely,

Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General

Isabelle Mardirossian, President of the Staff Association


The US LHC Users Association, USLUA, continues to enhance scientific participation by the U.S. community of scientists and engineers in the LHC physics program, while highlighting the work of young students, scientists, and engineers engaged in this research. We provide a forum for discussions of US participation in the program, with a focus on helping our community to work effectively with their colleagues at CERN while in the US, and to adapt to work at CERN and to life in the surrounding region. USLUA also provides effective communication channels between scientists working on LHC experiments, the US agencies supporting this research and the US Congress.

USLUA is a nonprofit, tax exempt organization recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code, federal ID #54-1827596.