Executive Committee

Committee members and documents

The members of the current Executive Committee are (with term dates):

  • Maria Baldini – Fermilab – Accelerator R&D (2024-2025) – mbaldini_at_fnal.gov
  • Karri DiPetrillo – University of Chicago – ATLAS (2024-2025) – karri.folan.di.petrillo_at_cern.ch
  • Steve Goldfarb – University of Melbourne – ATLAS (2023-2024) – steven.goldfarb_at_cern.ch
  • Julia Gonski – SLAC – ATLAS (2024-2025) – julia.gonski_at_cern.ch
  • Matt LeBlanc – Brown – CMS (2024-2025) – matt_leblanc_at_brown.edu
  • Claire Lee – Fermilab – CMS (2023-2024) – claire.lee_at_cern.ch
  • Lawrence Lee – University of Tennessee – CMS (2024-2025) lawrence.lee.jr_at_cern.ch
  • Elise Le Boulicaut Ennis – Yale University – ATLAS (2023-2024) elise.maria.le.boulicaut_cern.ch
  • Kiley Kennedy – Princeton – CMS (2023-2024) – kiley.elizabeth.kennedy_at_cern.ch
  • Kaori Maeshima – Fermilab – CMS (2023-2024) – kaori.maeshima_at_cern.ch
  • Harvey Newman – Caltech – CMS  (2022-23) – newman_at_hep.caltech.edu
  • Jannicke Pearkes – CU Boulder – CMS (2023-2024) – jannicke.pearkes_at_cern.ch
  • David Saltzberg – UCLA – CMS (2023-2024) – david.saltzberg_at_cern.ch
  • John Stupak – University of Oklahoma – ATLAS (2023-2024) – john.stupak_at_cern.ch
  • Anyes Taffard – UC Irvine – ATLAS (2022-2023) – anyes.taffard_at_cern.ch
  • Deepa Thomas – University of Texas, Austin – ALICE (2024-2025) – deepa.thomas_at_cern.ch
  • Caterina Vernieri – SLAC – ATLAS (2024-2025) – caterina.vernieri_at_cern.ch
  • Michael K. Wilkinson – Cincinnati – LHCb (2024-2025) – michael.k.wilkinson_at_cern.ch

Members with observer status:

  • Sergei Gleyzer – University of Alabama – CMS – Observer
  • Joe Haley – Oklahoma State University – ATLAS – Observer
  • David Miller – University of Chicago – ATLAS – Observer

As mentioned in the USLUA Bylaws, the membership includes the following officers who are selected from among the US LUEC members:

  • Chair: Harvey Newman
  • Vice Chair: Caterina Vernieri
  • Treasurer: David Saltzberg
  • Secretary: Julia Gonski

According to the USLUA constitution, we elect half of the executive committee to a two-year term each year. Questions about the election or interest in standing for nomination may be brought to any Executive Committee member.


USLUA Committees

  • Quality of Life: Claire Lee (Co-Chair); Jannicke Pearkes, Kaori Maeshima, Elise Le Boulicaut Ennis, Steve Goldfarb, David Miller, Harvey Newman
  • Government Relations:
    Kiley Kennedy (Chair);  Caterina Vernieri, David Saltzberg, Harvey Newman,  Joe Haley, John Stupak
  • Outreach/Communications: Julia Gonski (Chair); Caterina Vernieri, Kiley Kennedy, Kaori Maeshima,  Elise Le Boulicaut Ennis, Claire Lee,  Lawrence Lee,  Harvey Newman, Steve Goldfarb
  • Finance: John Stupak (Chair), David Saltzberg (Co-Chair), Kiley Kennedy, Caterina Vernieri, Anyes Taffard, Harvey Newman
  • Web Presence: Jannicke Pearkes (Chair), Joe Haley, Lawrence Lee, Maria Baldini, Elise Le Boulicaut Ennis, Anyes Taffard, Claire Lee
  • Rules & Elections Taskforce: John Stupak, Maria Baldini, Harvey Newman
  • Annual Meeting Taskforce: Steve Goldfarb (Chair), John Stupak, Kaori Maeshima,  Harvey Newman
  • APS Liason: Julia Gonski

The minutes of the USLUA Executive Committee meetings can be found here.